Depends on what you're training. Go to the place with the strongest Pokemon yours are super effective against, and train there for as long as you want. Hope that makes sense!
Good places would be the ones that have a lot of bug or ice pokemon, but the best would be somewhere with steel types.
Rainy places
train dragon types
well it's probably were there are fire Pokemon or if you have a exp share go to the elite four and keep battiling ;)
in the elite 4 It depends if you're playing gold/silver,/ fire red/ Saphire,/ Enerald,/ Ruby/ leaf green, or diamond/pearl
Shoal Cave, north of Mossdeep city.
Good places would be the ones that have a lot of bug or ice pokemon, but the best would be somewhere with steel types.
its double batle.
Rainy places
give beautifly exp share and take him/her to the elite four and train there.
there is no best place, but you can find numel, torkoal,slugma in grass near the sandstorm
train dragon types
with a lucky egg or with cheats -.-
Train your starter and other of the strongest Pokemon you have often.
well it's probably were there are fire Pokemon or if you have a exp share go to the elite four and keep battiling ;)
victory road
Train it to level 20