well it's probably were there are fire Pokemon or if you have a exp share go to the elite four and keep battiling ;)
Ahh spheal... the pre evolution of my favroite pokemon, you need to transfer it from Ruby, Saphire, or Emerald VIA Pal Park
no you cant. you catch spheal in Pokemon sapphire and snorunt in Pokemon ruby.
Shoal Cave, north Mossdeep City
Spheal cannot be captured in Firered as it's exclusive to the Hoenn region. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald version can capture Spheal in Shoal Cave.
To find spheal you have to go to mossdeep city. then go north then surf and go straight up until you see an opening to a cave. and there is alot of spheal and zubats in there
Ahh spheal... the pre evolution of my favroite pokemon, you need to transfer it from Ruby, Saphire, or Emerald VIA Pal Park
no you cant. you catch spheal in Pokemon sapphire and snorunt in Pokemon ruby.
Shoal Cave, north Mossdeep City
Spheal cannot be captured in Firered as it's exclusive to the Hoenn region. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald version can capture Spheal in Shoal Cave.
To find spheal you have to go to mossdeep city. then go north then surf and go straight up until you see an opening to a cave. and there is alot of spheal and zubats in there
You can only catch a Spheal, not a Sealo or a Walrein.
Spheal is an Ice and Water type Pokemon shaped like a round seal. In the third generation games of Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald it can be found in the wild in Shoal Cove.
Shoal Cave, north of Mossdeep city.
Good places would be the ones that have a lot of bug or ice pokemon, but the best would be somewhere with steel types.
train spheal and i also can give you a gameshark codespheal:82FBD860AE242721313D2BCE9004E149D4515AC17C2BD132sealio:82FBD860AE242721313D2BCE9004E149CE85182FFEAF53F9put the all codes thugether in the cheat list and go into the tall grass.i am sure the is helping have fun and great cheating!!!
You can find a spheal in shoal cave, there are also lots of water pokemon that can learn ice type moves. Ex. Kyogre, Swampert, Golduck.
train dragon types