Any of the Lava Isles are where you can find obsidian chunks. There is no "best" place. Also, sometimes you can find them in the rock shops if another player has sold them recently. is the best place.
the best place is to go to psp
The best place to train typhlosion is Route 26 in The Kanto regoin.
The best place I know is victory road
No, the best place to find diamonds are on level 10-15.
Desert and jungle isle are quite good.
Narrowton General Store
I find the desert and snow best but they are in most areas!
Bird IsleThe best place to sell any tack (english/JR/peggy tack) is on Bird Isle on HI1
I think the best place is
Well there are a lot of answers but I think the best place would be Dry Isle's, Sunny Glade Isle And Prairie Isle are best spots if you look hard.
I haven't played that in forever but I doremembergoing to this place often to sell gems. It was on the beach west of Appleton on Horse Isle
There is no "best place" to find them. You can only find red and normal pine cones in forests. So just walk around until you find a few.
Chunks of fish, chicken livers, hot dog chunks, worms.
Obsidian cools so quickly the mineral grains do not have time to form.
The glassy texture of obsidian is the best evidence that it formed in an extrusive environment. Obsidian is rapidly cooled lava with no time for crystal growth, resulting in a smooth, glass-like texture.