i hav to say barbarian village but i don't fish there anymore because my fishing lv is 52 and add me im punami987 and im lv 63 and wen u add me tell me ur from wikianswers
A best place to catch it would be Catherby, along with most other fish.and at ur moms house
Fishing guide
best Place To Cut Willows Is By Draynor Bank.
to catching tropius in emeraldthe only place to catch tropius is route 119 duuhhh
in the great marsh okay its the only place
A best place to catch it would be Catherby, along with most other fish.and at ur moms house
At that level, the best you can catch is Swordfish (level 50 to catch, 100 exp/per). However, remember that you also get Tuna in with the Swordfish. However, at that level you may want to go with Baiting or Fly Fishing as I have found they are quicker experience overall (Pike, Salmon, Trout).
To catch use minno or a bunch of worms. But the best way to catch them is in the evening on a flyrod.
The Wilderness.
Fishing guide
The best place to kill zombies is at the armor zombie place. IT is where everyone get 99 str.
stronghold of secutity i like
Living Rock Caverns
grand exchange.
barb village
catherby is a great spot u can catch almost evry fish there!!!!!! such as: .lobster,shark,swordfish,shrimp,trout,salmon,tuna,herring,sardine ect......
Killing Fire Giants at Baxtorian Falls is a great place for training.