The berry master is just west of Hearthrome city. Unfortunately there is no berry master's wife in the game.
the same place as in diamond.
In Pokemon Diamond, the berry shop is in Floaroma Town.
You can only get the petaya berry in Pokemon Colosseum, so the only way to get it on diamond is cheating or migrating.
its on route 123
Talk to the little girl in the berry master's house by Hearthome city
you get it from the berry master on route 208
the same place as in diamond.
You can get it from a girl in the Berry Master's house in Route 208 after answering "yes" to her question.
In Pokemon Diamond, the berry shop is in Floaroma Town.
The Salac Berry is a rare berry in Pokemon Diamond. It can only be obtained from distribution events that had legendary Pokemon holding them. These events are no longer being ran or support for Pokemon Diamond.
Near Hearthome City The Lady (Near The Berry Master) 15 catch Combee with sweet honey
You can only get the petaya berry in Pokemon Colosseum, so the only way to get it on diamond is cheating or migrating.
Go to the hiking girl south-west of pastoria or the Berry Master west of Hearthome and they will eventually give you one if you keep going back each day. >>> the berry master and the lady in floaroma can give you it, but its a rare chance.
The berry master is a character from the Pokemon series of games. In generation 2 you can find him on route 30.
You can use Growth Mulch, bought from the wife of the Berry Master, just West of Hearthome City. But you have to put it in the soil before you plant the berry.
in diamond you can give them a certain berry and they will like you more (that is, if you can find the berry).
Ganlon berry.