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I don't think there is 1 on dimond. I know there is 1 on platnium though.

there isn't one on diamond or pearl

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Q: Where is the battle factory in Pokemon Diamond?
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Where is the battle arcade in Pokemon diamond?

in the battle frontier next to the battle factory

How do you unlock the Pokemon renting in Pokemon Diamond?

The Battle Factory is unavailable in Diamond or Pearl, but it is in Platinum, Heartgold, and Soulsilver.

How do you send Pokemon from Pokemon Battle Revolution to diamond?

you can not send from Pokemon battle reveloution to diamond but you can send from diamond to Pokemon battle reveloution

Can you get Pokemon from battle revolution on to diamond?

no but you can get Pokemon from diamond to battle rev.

Where is the battle frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Only the Battle Tower.

Can you copy Pokemon from Pokemon ranger to Pokemon Battle Revolution?

No, you can only copy them to Pokemon Diamond, not Pokemon Battle Revolution. But, if you want to, then send them from Diamond to Battle Revolution!

How could you steal Pokemon at the battle factory in Pokemon diamond?

sorry you can't without a cheat code. sorry again because i dont know that either.

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You cannot battle Professor Rowan in Pokemon Diamond.

What do you do in Pokemon Diamond aftre you Battle Cresselia on Pokemon Diamond?

Do whatever you want!

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You have to battle other Pokemon with it.

How do you get legendary Pokemon in the battle factory?
