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Q: Where is the Pokemon league in Pokemon Ruby?
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Can you trade from Pokemon fire red and Pokemon ruby?

YES, YOU DUMMY!(after you defeat the Pokemon League and get the Ruby/Sapphire.)

Where to beat elite four on pokemon ruby?

The Pokemon League

Do you have to beat the Pokemon league in ruby and Pokemon FireRed to trade?

you only have to beat the elite 4 on Pokemon fire red not ruby

How do you get to the Pokemon league on ruby?

Through victory road.

How do you get past the vicrty road to get to the Pokemon league in Pokemon ruby version?


What legendarys can you get before you have beaten the Pokemon league in Pokemon ruby?

Groudon. That's it.

What do you do in little root Pokemon Ruby?

You get your first Pokemon, then warp back there after beating the Pokemon league.

Pokemon Ruby-where do you get diddo?

You can get ditto in Pokemon ruby by beating the Pokemon league then going to the cave the fossil maniac is digging he will be finished digging and he will say to be careful that there are Pokemon in there the Pokemon in there are ditto.

How can you go to the battle room in the battle tower in Pokemon ruby?

defeat the pokemon league

Pokemon Ruby to Pokemon Pearl?

Beat the Pokemon league, then go to Pal Park. You must have a Pokemon that knows Surf.

Where can you find the elite four in ruby?

The elite four will be at the Pokemon league.

How do you escape to the Pokemon league in Ruby version?

kick sand at the umpire