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It isn't in it, it's only in Heart Gold/ Silver, Emerald and 1 other, but not Fire Red

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Q: Where is the Pokemon battle frontier in Pokemon FireRed?
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Is there a battle frontier in Pokemon FireRed?

No, the Battle Frontier can only be found in Emerald, Platinum and HeartGold/SoulSilver.

Does the Pokemon Sapphire have a battle frontier?

No, Pokemon Sapphire Version does not have a Battle Frontier. However, Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Platinum do have the Battle Frontier.

Is there a battle frontier on FireRed?

No but there is a battle tower on one of the seven islands.

Where is the Battle Frontier in Pokemon Ruby?

Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire do not have the Battle Frontier, instead they only have the Battle Tower. It was not until Emerald version that the Battle Frontier was added to the game.

How can I get the Pokemon recorded in my Pokedex in Pokemon Platinum after you battle in the Battle Frontier?

If you see a Pokemon in the battle frontier you have not yet seen, it will not record it. The only way you can add that Pokemon to your pokedex is if you see it outside of battle frontier.

Where is the battle frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Only the Battle Tower.

Can you earn exp at the battle frontier in Pokemon platinum?

no you can not get exp in the battle frontier in Pokemon plat

How do you get twistedspoon in Pokemon Platinum?

Try using Covet or Theif on Psychic type Pokemon or see if you can exchange your battle points from the battle frontier for a twistedspoon or you can trade a Pokemon holding the item from firered, leafgreen, ruby, sapphire or emerald.

How do you battle profoak on Pokemon FireRed?

You can NOT battle Professor Oak in Pokemon FireRed Version, even with an Action Replay

Do you battle ash in Pokemon Pokemon FireRed?


What do you do in Pokemon FireRed?

Catch, trade, and battle Pokemon

Can you battle a kabutops in Pokemon FireRed?
