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Q: Where is the Minecraft wiki?
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Related questions

How do you build things in Minecraft?

Go to a site called minecraft wiki

When will they update Minecraft?

Have a look at Minecraft Forums it should tell you, or you can go to or Minecraft Wiki.

Can someone make me a private minecraft server?

Check the Minecraft Wiki. It has information there.

Why won't you tell me about Minecraft?

This is not the place to find out about Minecraft. Look at the Minecraft Wiki to find out about the game in general.

What is the block id for command blocks?

There is no command block in minecraft. If you go to the Minecraft WiKi it will have all the information you need for anything in the game.

What are some good minecraft sites?

Planet Minecraft and Minecraft Wiki are two sites i can think of.

What are all of the item ids in Minecraft?

Minecraft's Item ID's can be found on Minecraft Wiki. Link in related links.

What can you make out of lether on Minecraft?

minecraft wiki it 1-4) Leather armour, there are 4 pieces

How do you make an iron axe in Minecraft? <---- The link leads to minecraft wiki, it tells you how to craft a wood, stone, iron, budder, and diamond axe.

When is Minecraft 1.4.1 coming out?

From Minecraft Wiki... it says this Wednesday (October 24th 2012) but I am still not sure.

How do you get all of the crafting recipes on minecraft 1.4.7?

you go to minecraft wiki, that would have all the answers you need

Can Herobrine respawn in Minecraft?

Herobrine doesn't exist in minecraft. All the videos on youtube are fake and the minecraft wiki page on it is just for a troll