The Game ID can be found on the front of the Game Card, at the bottom, below the small picture of the game.
A game cartridge for the DS is called a game card.
On the front of the DS game card, near the bottom will be the game ID.
on the game card itself.
No, you have to have 2 Nintendo DS's to be able to trade but you do get an a attachment for you're DS that allows you to plug it into the DS card slot and have two DS card slot's
All game data is saved on the game cartridge itself. The DS does not have internal memory for saving game data - the DSi has a memory card, but also does not save game data to it.
It looks the same as a DS game card, and you can also play your normal DS games in the DSi.
A game cartridge for the DS is called a game card.
On the front of the DS game card, near the bottom will be the game ID.
on the game card itself.
A Nintendo DS game card contains all the information your system needs to be able to play the video game. It is what the Nintendo DS reads to be able to play the video game.
You hold the action replay card in your ds (Until it says to insert game card)and turn it on and then it will say insert game card and then you insert game card
No. DS save data is saved to the game card, not the console.
The memory card is the game card.
IT's impossible ________________ You may make a Nintendo DS game using DS game Maker, you must purchase a Nintendo DS flash cartridge and get the right kernel
No, the DS Download Play is a feature for people with one game card and 2 or more DS Consoles. Not every multiplayer game has DS Download play.
Yes, the game is saved on the actual DS card, not the console.
No, you have to have 2 Nintendo DS's to be able to trade but you do get an a attachment for you're DS that allows you to plug it into the DS card slot and have two DS card slot's