The eighth gym leader is in the underwater city(forget the name) but it is where you fight groudon. after you beat him the gym should be open.
geovanni is the gym leader hes easy to beat if u have water Pokemon
you have to go to pastoria city and keep on going right past route 213 and you reach route 222 and then you get to the 8th gym leader's city.
yes. There are 8 gymleaders in all. In every game. ~moondawgi
we can get 8 gym badges byfighting all the gym leaders in Pokemon pearl.
You go to Sky Pillar after the 7th gym in Emerald. There are only 8 gyms.
Before the battle as he is a gym leader he has: Luvdisc Sealeo Seaking Whiscash Milotic
The 8th Gym Leader in Pokémon Sapphire can be found in Sootopolis City.
geovanni is the gym leader hes easy to beat if u have water Pokemon
Firstly, have to defeat the 7th gym leader. Then you go talk to the trainer next to the Pokemon center on Cinnabar Island. He is the 8th gym leader of Kanto, Gary. Gary is in Viridian City.
oh that's easy! it's something like ...roughly 100 hours of grueling level-crunching and 8 gym leader battles
In the light house! In the light house!
he is in the lighthouse near the right side of the town.
go right from the seventh gym leader
You have to have defeated Team Rocket in order to battle Claire.
Veridian city the gym leader id Giovanni
a Pokemon with a good ground type move like earthquake