You have to beat all the dwarfhold qwests. Then u type/join stalagbite u fight vath and stalagbite he's the 2nd chaos lord
it haven't come yet they are two girls red devil girl and angel girl they are in where the Darkiest live.
You can't get to the second chaos lord because they are YING AND YANG
Chaos Gemeralds are dropped by Chaotic Draconians.
You can go to Yokai Ferry (/join yokaiboat) and start the next part of the storyline in Akiba - the next Chaos Lord.
The 2nd lord of Chaos is located in the Dwarfhold Mountains. The 2nd lord of chaos is the twins(Xing and Xang),but you cant battle them yet.The 2nd to battle is vath/stalagbite.
THE first chaos lord is in Mobious.
The third chaos lord is vath in stalagbite.
The fourth Lord of chaos is Dragon Lord Vath in Dwarfhold.
the chaos shogun kitsune.from ara985
Kimberly.There's a 7th Lord of Chaos names Fledgermayne of Arcangrove. NEXTGEN12
Chaos Dragonlord helm is dropped by the Chaos Lord Vath.
you can't as of yet.
shadowbane of the underworld
dfight tham till ugt it