its 1347
To forge gemerald: go to northland town and speak to one of the guys he will forge the gemeralds for you. kkiilleerr1997/freind helper
Not until all 13 Chaos Lords come out.
its 1347
You can find the shop 'Chaorrupted Northlands Gear' in Northlands forest - /join blindingsnow
To forge gemerald: go to northland town and speak to one of the guys he will forge the gemeralds for you. kkiilleerr1997/freind helper
Its 1347.
Aisha's Fury in Guwio Village (/join northlands).
the chaos shogun kitsune.from ara985
Chaos Dragonlord helm is dropped by the Chaos Lord Vath.
THE first chaos lord is in Mobious.
The third chaos lord is vath in stalagbite.