To forge gemerald: go to northland town and speak to one of the guys he will forge the gemeralds for you.
kkiilleerr1997/freind helper
its 1347
Chaos Gemeralds are dropped by Chaotic Draconians.
no such thing as cheats on aqw but there are hacks
aqw is a newer game than aq
No such code exists, and never will.
He is in the northlands
Well there isn't you half to earn them sorry
You get it at Northlands, When you are at the guy that has the shop to make corrupted Northland blade then you just have to walk down and talk to the guy called George Forge-Man and buy the weapon for 4500 coins, But the weapon is a member item though.
Buy it from the Blinding Snow Shop in Northlands Forest for 1,900 gold.
/join Northlands Go past the snow golem and enter the town. The guy in the clashing red and green snow suit is George Forge-man and he can forge the things you need for you.
You get it as a drop from the Ice elemental in Bludrut Keep floor #3, or in The Frozen Northlands dropped from the same monster.
Northlander was created in 1976.
its 1347
You can find the shop 'Chaorrupted Northlands Gear' in Northlands forest - /join blindingsnow
It is dropped by the Northlands Polar Bear, in Northlands Forest (/join blindingsnow)
The non-profit volunteer organization the Northlands was founded in Canada in 1879. It is headquarterd in Edmondton, but was founded before the city was officially founded.