In Viridian city. You need to get all the other 15 badges first and then go talk to Blue on Cinnibar island/city.
mt silver or 16 badges safari zone mountain area
Professor Oak gives you it after you get 16 badges
You have to beat all 16 gyms.
Chikorita evolves into Bayleef at level 16.
Abra evolves at level 16 into Kadabra and again into Alakazam if you trade it.
16 badges
Pewter Mueseum
mt silver or 16 badges safari zone mountain area
beat the 14? there are 16
Yes 8 in johto and 8 in kanto
Professor Oak gives you it after you get 16 badges
you could always go to mt. silver if you get all 16 badges there is 40+ pokemon.....
Same as every Pokemon game. Defeat the Gym Leaders to get the Badges.
yes you can after get your 16 g b in cerulean cave
Defeat the viridian city gym leader Blue.
You have to beat all 16 gyms.