He returns to silf co. after about a month and offers to trade his Beldum for a foretress
No you do not need to catch Kyogre. You can get a Hoenn starter from a guy named Steven in Kanto.
Getting the Hoenn Pokemon is completely optional. Therefore, there is no chronological event that is placed after getting your choice of Hoenn starter. Just try doing some other extra events.
After you get your Hoenn starter and speak to Steven in the Pewter Museum, Steven will be in the Silph Co. bottom floor. He has a Beldum with a Dawn Stone to trade for a Forretress.
he gives you beldum, a Pokemon from hoenn. you can't catch beldum from hoenn in jonto or kanto so don't refuse the offer!
In order to get Hoenn Starters, you have to have defeated Red at Mt. Silver. Then, go to Silph Co. in Saffron City. Once there, talk to Steven, the Hoenn Champion. Choose one of the colored stones to match up to the type of the Hoenn Starter pokemon.
In Pokemon Emerald, when you complete the Hoenn Pokedex, Proffesor Birch gives you a Johto starter. In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, after defeating Red, Professor Oak will give you a Kanto Starter and Steven will give you a Hoenn Starter.
No you do not need to catch Kyogre. You can get a Hoenn starter from a guy named Steven in Kanto.
Outside of migration from Hoenn itself, Steven Stone gives out a Hoenn starter in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. In order to receive it, you have to beat PKMN Trainer Red at Mt. Silver.
Silph.Co(Kanto, postgame)
Steven, as the Champion of Hoenn Region, gives you one of the Hoenn starters, which are Treeko, Mudkip, and Torchic.
In Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver you can get a Johto starter from Professor Elm, a Hoenn starter from Steven, and a Kanto starter from Professor Oak
Getting the Hoenn Pokemon is completely optional. Therefore, there is no chronological event that is placed after getting your choice of Hoenn starter. Just try doing some other extra events.
You cannot go to the Hoenn region in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Just because you get a Hoenn starter from Steven Stone (Hoenn League Champion) doesn't mean you go to the Hoenn region.
In Soul Silver Steven is in the Pewter City Museum talking about rocks :/
You don't find Steven in Mount Silver. You find Steven in Silph Co. after beating Red. He will give you a Hoenn starter.
After you get your Hoenn starter and speak to Steven in the Pewter Museum, Steven will be in the Silph Co. bottom floor. He has a Beldum with a Dawn Stone to trade for a Forretress.
After defeating Red at Mt. Silver, Steven Stone will be at the Silph. Co and he will give you one there.