In order to get Hoenn Starters, you have to have defeated Red at Mt. Silver. Then, go to Silph Co. in Saffron City. Once there, talk to Steven, the Hoenn Champion. Choose one of the colored stones to match up to the type of the Hoenn Starter pokemon.
You cannot get to the Hoenn region in Pokémon SoulSilver, the only regions that are available in SoulSilver are Johto and Kanto regions.
you must be talkin about Pokemon soulSilver or heartGold. no there is not a pass to go to hoenn. hoenn is not in the game. sorry -RR14
To get the Hoenn Sound, you must first defeat Red at Mt. Silver. Then, on any Wednesday, tune your PokeGear to the Pokemon Music Channel to listen to the Hoenn Sound.
She's not in soulsilver, heartgold and soulsilver take place in Johto and May wasn't introduced intill the Hoenn reigon.
By Ruby I'm assuming you mean the Hoenn starters, then yes, you can get one of three of them in HeartGold/SoulSilver
He will give you one of the three Hoenn starters, and will also notify you of Latios' (Or LATIAS) arrival to the region.
You cannot actually go to Hoenn in SoulSilver, but you can catch Pokemon from Hoenn on Wednesdays with Hoenn Music on the radio.
You can't go to Hoenn in Pokemon HG/SS.
No, you cannot go to Hoenn in Pokemon SoulSilver, but you can still get the Hoenn legendaries. Pokemon SoulSilver is a copy of Pokemon Silver, and you can only go to Johto and Kanto.
Nope, you won't be able to go to Hoenn in Pokémon SoulSilver.
from steven he'll be at sliph co. after u defeat red he will give u a choice of 1 of the 3 starters of hoenn
You cannot get to the Hoenn region in Pokémon SoulSilver, the only regions that are available in SoulSilver are Johto and Kanto regions.
Migrate it from Pokemon (Hoenn version)
No, it is not possible to access the Hoenn region in either SoulSilver or HeartGold. However, you can catch Pokemon from Hoenn. On Wednesday, the Pokemon march station is a Hoenn sound. To get the Hoenn Pokemon all you have to do is set your Pokegear radio onto the Pokemon march station on Wednesday after you have defeated Red.
Torchic, Treecko, Mudkip