Its on route 43, im unsure where i couldn't see it anywhere
have a look around
i heard someone say that you have to talk to the guy behind the booth
i tried that but it didnt work, try yourself see if it works
You can get the Sludge Bomb TM in Route 43 or you can buy Sludge Bomb at the Battle Frontier.
inside the rocket warehouse on the fifth island.
on island 5 in the rocket ware house
it's in Rocket Warehouse on Chrono Island.
somewhere in shoal cave somewhere in shoal cave
You can get the Sludge Bomb TM in Route 43 or you can buy Sludge Bomb at the Battle Frontier.
it is TM no. 36
The Sludge Bomb move was introduced in the second generation of the pokemon games (Gold, Silver & Crystal). These games were set in the Johto region. So I guess you can say the move is from the Johto region.
inside the rocket warehouse on the fifth island.
on island 5 in the rocket ware house
it's in Rocket Warehouse on Chrono Island.
Twineedle, Focus Energy, Sludge Bomb, Endeavor, Endure.
somewhere in shoal cave somewhere in shoal cave
sludge bomb,earthquake,petal dance,solarbeam
Route 43 after you beat the Team Rocket in Mahogany Town
Yes all poison moves are physical attacks which means the more attack a Pokemon has the more it will hurt. Though if your facing a pikachu with static and you use sludge bomb on it you will NOT be affected by static.
Sludge bomb: team rocket HQ (island 5)