Yes all poison moves are physical attacks which means the more attack a Pokemon has the more it will hurt. Though if your facing a pikachu with static and you use sludge bomb on it you will NOT be affected by static.
Sludge bomb: team rocket HQ (island 5)
inside the rocket warehouse on the fifth island.
You can get the Sludge Bomb TM in Route 43 or you can buy Sludge Bomb at the Battle Frontier.
The two really good move it will learn on its own are sludge bomb and screech. You can also give it TMs that are ground and poison type.
You find the sludge bomb, team rocket HQ on island 5.
Sludge bomb: team rocket HQ (island 5)
inside the rocket warehouse on the fifth island.
Twineedle, Focus Energy, Sludge Bomb, Endeavor, Endure.
You can get the Sludge Bomb TM in Route 43 or you can buy Sludge Bomb at the Battle Frontier.
Nidoking is a Poison and Ground Type Pokemon. You can either get by trading or by evolving a Nidorino with a Moonstone. You can evolve a Nidoran♂ at level 16 or 17. Some of Nidoking's best moves are Earthquake, Mega Horn, and Sludge Bomb. However, Sludge Bomb is a TM that you can only earn once in FireRed.
The two really good move it will learn on its own are sludge bomb and screech. You can also give it TMs that are ground and poison type.
You find the sludge bomb, team rocket HQ on island 5.
Well, Nidoking doesn't learn Sludge Bomb by LEVEL UP. But he CAN learn it by TM36.
It learns megahorn, earthquake, surf, thunder, strength, flamethrower, thrash, double kick, focus energy, peck, poison sting, sludge bomb.
it is TM no. 36
defanitly not
I think shadow ball would be because it's more powerful, but that's just my opinion. Then agiain, sludge bomb has a chance of poisioning the foe.