Salamence must be evolved from a bagon or shellgon. A shellgon or bagon can be caught in the Safari Zone with the placement of certain items in certain places. View the Related Link below for more information.
Evolve from a Shelgon at level 50
No. Draco Meteor wasn't even INVENTED yet. If you want your Salamence to learn Draco Meteor, you have to migrate it to Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, Heart Gold, or Soul Silver. (If anyone thinks Heart Gold and Soul Silver can't migrate please tell me.) Then go to the mountain range and use Rock Climb to get it. (Salamence must like you with two BIG hearts on the friendship app to learn Draco Meteor.)
in soul silver
you don't have friend codes in soul silver.
Zorua is a 5th generation Pokemon it is not available in soul silver.
Evolve from a Shelgon at level 50
You can find a Bagon in the Safari Zone. From there, evolve it into Shelgon and then Salamence.
No. Draco Meteor wasn't even INVENTED yet. If you want your Salamence to learn Draco Meteor, you have to migrate it to Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, Heart Gold, or Soul Silver. (If anyone thinks Heart Gold and Soul Silver can't migrate please tell me.) Then go to the mountain range and use Rock Climb to get it. (Salamence must like you with two BIG hearts on the friendship app to learn Draco Meteor.)
i think it is. if i were u, i would think about changing salamece to a legendary. salamence is weak against dragon. and if it is in Heart gold or Soul Silver, ur gonna have hard time with lance. go with jirachi. it can learn Draco meteor
you don't. the only way is to evolve shelgon at level 50 and it should learn fly on its own without a hm.That is one of the few you can't get in heart gold or soul silver.
in soul silver
Neither. The new game is called Soul Silver, not Silver Soul.
no such thing not in soul silver
As in soul silver? Yes you can is soul silver. At the bottom of seafoam islands.
Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT
Professor Rowan isn't in Soul silver
you can't ice fossils in soul silver