the quick claw is in the Pokemon trainers school talk to the theacher and also you can find them in wild sandrews (steal them by covet of thief) mmm nothing more
a quick claw is what you give a Pokemon to increase itsspeed
Quick Claw increases the possiblity of your Pokemon attacking first in battle.
You can get the quick claw in the safari zone.
The Quick claw is located in the National Park in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver.
If you want to get quick claw in D/P or Platinum you will have to get it from R/S/E and migrate a Pokemon holding it
No Pokemon evolves with Quick Claw.
a quick claw is what you give a Pokemon to increase itsspeed
Quick Claw increases the possiblity of your Pokemon attacking first in battle.
You can get the quick claw in the safari zone.
The Quick claw is located in the National Park in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver.
give a Pokemon quick claw and battle the lat@s and use a sleeping move
In the dessert
you cant find metal claw
The Claw fossil
If you want to get quick claw in D/P or Platinum you will have to get it from R/S/E and migrate a Pokemon holding it
Quick Claw Allows Your Pokemon To attack first Occasionally. It however does not go quicker then some moves such as..... Quick Attack, Extremespeed, Aqua Jet, Bullet Punch, Ice Shard, etc.
the safarie zone~!