

Best Answer

Updated February 18, 2011:

Any player can do PvP by going to the town of battleon, and finding "Dunmoose" Not so sure on the name, but he should be the only other guy in Battleon that is wearing giant armor.

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Q: Where is pvp on aqw?
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the pvp will manage

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In aqw go to pvp then go and defeat a brawler and you will get alot of exp

When is aqw going to have pvp?

I heard there is a server for it and it is for members only

Where do you get combate trophys in aqw?

pvp not 1v1pvp bludrut brawl but nobody does it in 2012

What is the best monster in aqw for exp?

the restorers in pvp they give about 2703 or around there

What is the best class class for pvp in aqw?

blademaster/vot/horc evader

When is 1v1 pvp on aqworlds going to finish?

It is a permanent feature in AQW, so it won't be "finishing".

Where is non member pvp in AQW?

there is no non member pvp anymore they changed it so members and non members go into the same place...there used to be one which was on a darkovia map and it was for non members but now theres none.

Where can you find the steel afterlife in AQW?

you can find it at pvp brawl rewards quest click on steel afterlife(requires 50 combat trophy)

How do you get allot of gold in AQW?

go to pvp and deafeat the brawlers.......and when you are 10 or above you can call a party to help kill the brawler or if you are 20 above you can kill your by yourself.... Well PVP doesn't do that stuff anymore. When you do PVP now you get 10 exp and 10 gold so if you want gold except the first three quest in dwakel or do mini miltonius

What is the best non member weapon in aqw?

the pest armour is the pladin and the pest weapons are in pvp arris battle spire and dooom weapon and frozen claymore

Where is pvp on aq worlds?

There is no pvp. They came out with pvp a few months ago and are still updating it.