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artix's pvp id is 22 and ash dragonblade's id is 39393104=)

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just go to pvp. beat everyone you get 2756 (thats what i get) per monster.

Why dont you try artixs paswword on AQWorlds?

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Uhh u guys u need hellquest and the shop id for it is 42 and now stop arguing about it im trying to get some sleep god am i talking to a brick wall dam u guys are gay

Where is pvp on aq worlds?

There is no pvp. They came out with pvp a few months ago and are still updating it.

Where can you pvp in archlord?

In AL you can do pvp everywhere in the chantra world,when you are abouve lvl 20. Only in Towns there's no pvp,but in big citys are pvp arena's.

World of warcraft pvp server with a lot of pvp and little pve?

All PVP type servers in WoW have lots of PVP going on, including Daggerspine.

Can you do PVP in Everquest?

yes you can pvp on certiain servers in everquest yes you can pvp on certiain servers in everquest