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pallet town in kanto

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Q: Where is professor oak in HeartGold?
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How do you get a Squirtle on heartgold?

Beat Red, and then go to Professor Oak.

Where do you find professor oak in heartgold?

he is in kanto near rout one in his lab

Where do you get the National dex in Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver?

professor oak gives it to you

Can you get a Bulbasaur egg in HeartGold?

Yes, get a Bulbasaur from Professor Oak and breed it with a Ditto.

Where is the move hypnosis in HeartGold?

It's in pallet town and in professor oak lab

How do you get chamander on HeartGold?

u have to beat red at mt. silver then go to professor oak

Can you find Bulbasaur in heartgold?

You can get Bulbasaur from professor oak. You could also get Squirtle or Charmander.

How do you get Charmander on Pokemon HeartGold and soulsilver?

You have to beat red and then go to professor oak's lab

How do you get squrtle on Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

You have to beat red and then go to professor oak's lab

Where is professor oaks lab in Pokemon heartgold?

Professor Oak's lab is Pallet Town. - Conoogle

How do you get the green orb in HeartGold?

You have to have Kyogre and Groudon in your party with you in Pokémon HeartGold and then you have to go see Professor Oak while you have them with you. If both Kyogre and Groudon have been caught in the Embedded Tower then Professor Oak will give you the Green Orb aka the Jade Orb.

Where is the hm rockclimb in pokemon heartgold?

You get it from professor oak after you obtain all 16 gym badges