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You need cut, or the ability to go through diglets cave, then he is in a route separator building

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Q: Where is prof oak aide on route 2 in Pokemon fire red?
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He is east of Fuchsia City, in the gaurd house separating route 15 from the city. Go up the stairs, and you will find his aide.

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go through the Diglett's cave then back to Route two. theres a building there and talk to Prof. Oak's Aide

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one of Prof. Oak's aide's

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It's given by Prof. Oak's aide on Route 16.

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He is somewhere to the right you need Cut to get to him.

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Professor Oak cannot be seen on Route 2.

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Route 225 is not a route that can be found in Pokemon Firered, route 225 is in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. To get there is Diamond Pearl and Platinum, you have to see every Pokemon in Sinnoh, then talk to Prof. Rowan and get the national dex.

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I am going to guess prof. Oak is Pokemon fire and you have to kidnap him

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HM01, CUT, Ship in Vermillion City (captain's room) HM02, FLY, Route 16 (a tree needs to be cut) HM03, SURF, Safari Zone (Secret House) HM04, STRENGTH, Fuschia City HM05, FLASH, Route 2 (catch 10 Pokemon and get the Hm from Prof. Oak's aide)