Slather honey on any honey tree in Sinnoh, and Munchlax may appear at the tree 6 hours later. (be sure its 6 HOURS LATER, if you don't check the tree at that time, then you'll be too late for the birds Tobe high and then i just really want to eat a banana! Its a good source of vitamin C! i like my penguins and pandas and go back to whatever this guy is talking about. Yes but its about a 1% catch rate its probaly more rare than seeing the 3 birds in platinum
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It evolves via happiness
You need to get it's friendship to full.
It evovles with max happiness
Munchlax evolves into Snorlax via max happiness in Pok
You can only get Snorlax by evolving Munchlax.
Munchlax > lvl up with max happiness > Snorlax
You get it from honey trees
level it up
munchlax does not evolve at a sirten lvl it evolves when its friendship is fully maxed out
in honey trees
trade it.
a honey tree
Your rival in diamond/pearl/platinum
There is no trainer in platinum that is willing to trade a munchlax.
It evolves via happiness
munchlax is a pretty hungry Pokemon so i guess a lot of honey
You can slather some honey on a tree and it might come. (Munchlax is very rare though)