Mt Coronet splits Sinnoh right down the middle, and there are entrances to Mt Coronet on Route 211, 207, 208, and 216.
You do random stuff
Catch chingling in Mt. Cornet. then evolve when happy at night
beat the 7th gym leader and then go to mt cornet he wiill not be there
Feebas can be a pain to catch in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl by going to Mt. Cornet. Feebas is located on the basement floor of the Mt. Cornet. The player will need the HMs Surf and Strength to reach the underground lake. Patient and Luck will grant the player a elusive Feebas.
the top of mt cornet is spear pillar
You can find a Chimecho in Mt. Cornet!!! You can find a Chimecho in Mt. Cornet
You do random stuff
Dialga is in spear pillar
Spear pillar on Mt. Cornet
On the Top of Mt. Cornet/ Spear Piller
The path is the exact same as Diamond.
super rod mt cornet 4f
no hes somewhere more secret
in mt cornet in mt cornet
theres a passageway through mt cornet
Surf and Rock Climb.