Mewto is in a cave that's guarded by that man. you can't go in until you beat the elite four and get all your badges. The cave is in that city or town who's name starts with a C. sorry.
Play another game or try collected all pokemon (mewto)
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
On Pokemon Pearl's title screen, if the Pokemon LeafGreen game is in the GBA slot, click on "Transfer From LeafGreen" and you can choose six Pokemon from LeafGreen to transfer to Pearl, but be careful-you can't trade them back.
Manaphy is a legendary water type of Pokemon. It is not possible to get this Pokemon in the game Pokemon LeafGreen.
Piplup does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed.
Cerulean Cave.
back of cerulean cave
Yes,its level is 70.
cant you have to either trade from pokemon leafgreen or fire red
the best Pokemon are mewto and the rarest Pokemon ever mew.
No. It's a cheat. Mewto, yes.
You cannot see it in the wild in Pokemon Diamond; you have to transfer it from FireRed/LeafGreen.
Play another game or try collected all pokemon (mewto)
you need to fix that professors machine on the sevii islands (the seven islands) the ones that you unlock after the league
I don't really know but i think you have to have an Action Replay to get mewto lr you have to transfer it from an older Pokemon
you just wander around and you find MewTo