Mesprite is at Lake Verity in the small cavern in the centre of the lake. Hit A to battle and then it will flee.
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Uxei doe not run, mesprite does. mespriet is one of the running Pokemon much like entei, raikou, and suicune in gold and silver. if you look on your marking map you will see a Pokemon symbol, that is where mesprite is, however mesprite will move if you change locations.
try using the move 'mean look' on it so it cant escape.
The legendary Pokemon are: Dialga, Giratina, Rotom, Cresselia, Uxie, Mesprite, Azelf, and Regigas.
Turtwig,Grotle,Torterra,Chimchar,Monferno,Infernape,piplup,Empoleon,Starly,Staravia,Starapter,kricketot,kricketune,shinx,Luxio,Luxray,Abra,Kadabra,Alakazam,Magikarp,Gyarados,budew,roselia,Roserade,zubat,Golbat,crobat,Geodude,Gravler,Golem,Onix,Stellix,cranidos,Rampardos,Shieldon,Bastiodon,Machop,Machoke,Machamp,Psyduck,golduck,burmy,wormadam,mothim,wurmpul,Silcoon,Beautifly,Cascoon,Dustox,Combee,Vespriquen,patchirisu,buizel,floatzel,cherubi,cherrim,shellos,gastrodon,heracross,aipom,ambipom,drifloon,drifblim,buneary,lopunny,gastly,haunter,gengar,misdreavus,mismagius,murkrow,honchkrow,glameow,purugly,goldeen,seaking,barboach,wishcash,chingling,chimecho,stunky,stunktank,meditite,medicham,brozor,bronzong,ponyta,rapidash,bonsly,sudowoodo,mime.jr,mr.mime,happiny,chansey,blissey,cleffa,clefairy,clefable,chatot,pichu,pikachu,raichu,hoothoot,noctowl,spiritomb,gible,gaite,garchom,munchlax,snorlax,unown,riolu,lucario,wooper,quagsire,wingull,pelipper,girafarig,hippopotas,hippowdon,azurill,marill,azumarill,skorupi,drapion,croagunk,toxicroak,carnivine,remoraid,octillery,finneon,lumineon,tentacool,tentacruel,feebas,milotic,mantyke,mantine,snover,abomasnow,sneasel,weavile,uxie,mesprite,azelf,dialga,andpalkia hope it helped.
just go to the Pokemon league
Uxei doe not run, mesprite does. mespriet is one of the running Pokemon much like entei, raikou, and suicune in gold and silver. if you look on your marking map you will see a Pokemon symbol, that is where mesprite is, however mesprite will move if you change locations.
after you relese uxie,azelf and mesprite
yes if you dont catch them
heatran dialga palkia uxi mesprite
surf until you get to the cave in the middle of the lake and mesprit should be there
Uxie , Azelf and Mesprite can be caught on land or a lake
uxie groudon mesprite azelf and dialga
zapdos get it in the end of the game when you complete pokedex catch like mesprite
no once you've killed it theres no going back
try using the move 'mean look' on it so it cant escape.
The legendary Pokemon are: Dialga, Giratina, Rotom, Cresselia, Uxie, Mesprite, Azelf, and Regigas.