you need to wait for the event which will come out hopefully in June they said whrn the arcues movie comes out
first you must have 666666666666 darkrais than you can talk to the man in ##### and jubilife town than you get the members card
it wont do any good like you can only use it to get darkri in platinum or pearl
The Member Card is an event exclusive item on Pokemon Pearl. However the event to give the Card out is no longer being held. This means the only method of getting the Member Card is with a cheat device.
You have to get the member card event.
You need to have Pokemon battle revoloution for wii and do mystery gift. What are they for?
With the Japanese event or mystery gift
first you must have 666666666666 darkrais than you can talk to the man in ##### and jubilife town than you get the members card
you have to obtain the members card through mystery gift.(it may be possible trough AR.)
you get it through Nintendo event or mystery gift on Pokemon pearl platinum or diamond
it wont do any good like you can only use it to get darkri in platinum or pearl
I think it's the house above the Pokemon center in canalave city but you need the national pokedex and members card to get in
the wonder card can only be obtained through a Nintendo event
the master card is not an item in Pokemon diamond and pearl. you may mean the members card? this allows you to get into the hotel in (getting into the hotel starts off the darkrai saga) when you get inside the hotel you are put into a bed and have a dream about darkrai and then when you leave the hotel go to the sailor that took you to full moon island. he will be able to take you to darkrai and when you battle him he is level 45 so save beforehand and be careful. now to get the members card you shall need to go to the pokemart in canalave and speek to a man in blue near the counter he will give you the members card.
Pokemon pearl ds card is smaller then a action replay
First, you will need action replay and get the members card, and go to canalave cave city and the locked door will be open.
The Member Card is an event exclusive item on Pokemon Pearl. However the event to give the Card out is no longer being held. This means the only method of getting the Member Card is with a cheat device.
you cant it is impossible