open up map --- yokai island --- near the top left is lolosia.
open up map --- yokai island --- near the top left is lolosia.
by going to lolosia talk to the lady and do the quest map recovery
yes you can because go lolosia and do last quest and get pirate armor but rouge armor is same.
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
MMORPG: Runescape Adventure Quest Worlds RPG: Adventure Quest Mech Quest Dragon Fable Warp Force (Adventure Quest Expansion)
go to lolosia
open up map --- yokai island --- near the top left is lolosia.
go to lolosia and do all of the quests
by going to lolosia talk to the lady and do the quest map recovery
you go to lolosia and click on the pirate shipthen click on the cap'n
Any monster in Lolosia (/join pirates), so these monsters: Fishman Soldier Fishwing Shark Bait Undead Pirate
The red jewel is dropped by Sharkbait in Lolosia (/join pirates). Sharkbait can be found by boarding the ship and going to the left. you need a group of people to defeat it
Talk to elissa keelhaul in lolosia. take the quest and kill any monsters on the ship except for sharkbait and you will get map fragments. once u have 5 talk to elissa keelhaul again to complete the quest. for further questions you can go to http:/
you have to go to warlics shop and mix the rock like thing, magma leaf, and the little bottle then go to valencia and talk o her privately and click travel passes and you can go to Crossroads or Lolosia.
From the class shop in battleon, either that or upgrade (membership) and get better armour off the class people, and the upgrade shop. also you get dragonslayer class from galanoth in lair and pirate class in lolosia, hope this helped!
adventure quest is better because in mech quest all you do shoot robots. but in adventure quest you get to do dventures and travel place
adventure quest, adventure quest worlds,