sadly there isn't one only on big game consoles not portable ones
mode menu
It saves like every other Pokemon game. You open the menu and select the Save button once ingame.
No true cheat menu. You have to go under the tilde or ~ key with console commands and alter the code.
there is no cheat codes menu .
" There is none. "yes there isin the game hold ctrl+shift+alt+G that opens up the in game cheat menu
There isn't one. However, a series of buttons should get you the cheat.
There is no cheat menu; however, there is a section on the pause menu for cheats. Pause the game and there will be a section that says: Enter Code. You can enter cheat codes that unlock characters, extras, and vehicles.
There is none, you enter codes at home screen where it says load game, new game, etc.
on ds it is at the options menu
You see its very simple....... you click pause...... then select menu...... its very simple....
Ingame Cheat MenuIn game, hold Start and push A, X and Y together to get to the cheat menu, you can unlock Ryo Sakazaki this way and get all the usual neo geo cheat options like infinite health/credits.
first you have to finish all the levels after that hold! y
You can get god mod cheat by typing in on the cheat menu 6jbb65 you'll be invincible!
Press 'start' or whatever button opens up the menu, where you can exit the game.
It's Pretty Simple, it's not possible and never will be until someone puts a cheat menu onto the game so you can enter cheat codes. Also, on the main menu it does not let you do cheat codes so don't try that because it does not work. There is no point in inventing cheats for the game because it is completely impossible.
I don't think you can. If you can it's probably in he options menu(settings) or maybe a cheat code. ;-)
here is a cheat to get all extras and it is for ds up down L r L r L left right x(2) y(2) B(2) L up down L r L r up(2) down start select at the main menu with batman on top of building.