" There is none. "
yes there is
in the game hold ctrl+shift+alt+G that opens up the in game cheat menu
mode menu
No true cheat menu. You have to go under the tilde or ~ key with console commands and alter the code.
there is no cheat codes menu .
Press pause and then go to the options menu. They have many things there.
You can, just enter Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, X at the Cheat Menu in the Extras Menu. but where is the cheat menu?== == playstation:square,square,triangle,circle,square,x
I do not believe there is a "Cheat Menu".
you have to use a cheat to open the cheat menu
theres no cheat menu in kh1 or kh2
the cheat menu is where it says press the start button
there isn't a cheat menu in the scrap book
enter a cheat.
mode menu
The menu for cheat code entery on ATV Off Road Furry 2 is in the options menu on the main title. (main menu.)
Holiday Island was created in 1981.
There is no cheat menu; however, there is a section on the pause menu for cheats. Pause the game and there will be a section that says: Enter Code. You can enter cheat codes that unlock characters, extras, and vehicles.
there is no cheat menue
The cheat menu but I have the Wii