Press pause and then go to the options menu. They have many things there.
peapel I am nine if you know how to get to the mian menu on mx unleashed ps2 then put it on here
go to start and then go to opitions and then secrect codes
No there is not a cheat to make a sim pregnate on the sims 2 for ps2
go to the map go to start menu then extra menue then secrets that's where you turn it on
i used to have "The Godfather" on PS2 & i now have "The Godfather II" on PS3. What I think is that, the GF2 is better for graphics but the GF1 is more fun to play.
the cheat menu is where it says press the start button
just type it on the main menu
If you have a PS2 you can go to the cheats menu in the career menu then select cheat codes
Press Pause And do the Code
go on 2 optsions
Yes The Godfather was released for PS2 on March 21 2006
peapel I am nine if you know how to get to the mian menu on mx unleashed ps2 then put it on here
yea but only the ammo cheat does you need to use it on the pause menu
this might be the site your looking for
In The Cat in the Hat PS2 game, you can enter cheat codes at the main menu by selecting the "Cheats" option. Enter the cheat codes using the controller, then confirm to activate them in the game.
There isn't one you have to enter cheat codes as your profile name when you start a new game
Hold R1 R2 L1 L2 in the same time