I dont' know exactly but i can tell you the names of them.
1.Turtwig 2.n Grotle 3. Torterra 4.Chimchar 5.Monferno 6. Infernape 7. Piplup 8.Prinplup 9.Empoleon 10.Starly 11.Staravia 12.Staraptor 13.Bidoof 14.Bibarel 15.Kricketot 16.Krickitune 17.Shinx 18.Luxio 19.Luxray 20.Abra 21.Kadabra 22.Alakazam 23.Magikarp 24.Gyarados 25.Budew 26.Roselia 27.Roserade 28.Zubat 29.Golbat 30.Crobat 31.Geodude 32.Graveler 33.Golem 34.Onix 35.Steelix 36.Cranidos 37.Ramparados 38.Shieldon 39.Bastiodon 40.Machop 41.Machoke 42.Machamp 43.Psyduck 44.Golduck 45.Burmy 46.Wormadam 47.Mothim 48.Wurmple 49.Silcoon 50.Beautifly 51.Cascoon 52.Dustox 53.Combee 54.Vespiquen 55.Pachirisu 56.Buizel 57.Floatzel 58.Cherubi 59.Cherrim 60.Shellos 61.Gastrodon 62.Herecross 63.Aipom 64.Ambipom 65.Drifloon 66.Drifblim 67.Buneary 68.Lopunny 69.Gastly 70.Haunter 71.Gengar 72.Misdreavus 73.Mismagius 74.Murkrow 75.Honchkrow 76.Glameow 77.Purugly 78.Goldeen 79.Seaking 80.Barboach 81.Whiscash 82.Chingling 83. Chimecho 84. Stunky 85.Skuntank 86.Meditite 87.Medicham 88.Bronzor 89.Bronzong 90.Ponyta 91.Rapidash 92.Bonsly 93.Sudowoodo 94.Mime Jr. 95.Mr. Mime 96.Happiny 97.Chansey 98.Blissey 99.Cleffa 100.Clefairy 101.Cleffable 102.Chatot 103.Pichu 104.Pikachu 105.Raichu 106.Hoothoot 107.Noctowl 108.Spirittomb 109.Gible 110.Gabite 111.Garchomp 112.Munchlax 113.Snorlax 114.Unknown 115. Riolu 116.Lucario 117.Wooper 118.Quagsire 119.Wingull 120.Pelipper 121.Girafarig 122.Hippopotas 123.Hippowdown 124.Azurill 125.Marill 126.Azumarill 127.Skorupi 128.Drapion 129.Croagunk 130.Toxicroak 131.Carnivine 132.Remoraid 133.Octillery 134.Finneon 135.Lumineon 136.Tentacool 137.Tentacruel 138.Feebas 139.Milotic 140.Mantyke 141.Mantine 142.Snover 143.Abomasnow 144.Sneasel 145.Weavile 146.Uxie 147.Mespirit 148.Azelf 149.Dialga 150.Palkia 151.ditto 152.rotom
last is Giratina as 210
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neither of them is better, they are both the same, but in diamond, you catch dialga, and in pearl, you catch palkia, and you can catch different Pokemon in each game for example: you can catch this Pokemon in diamond, but not pearl but: you can catch this different Pokemon in pearl, but not diamond
Do you mean trade from Diamond to Platinum?? If so, you need two ds's and a copy of each, sorry bad answer.
You can get it by talking to Dawn/ Lucas's sister in Pearl or Diamond. Each day they tell you a different species of Pokemon is swarming, and where to find it. The Pokemon changes each day, so Cubone will eventually be swarming, if it isn't today.
Although I never tried it I think you do nothing in diamond than you do with other pokemon. By that I mean get a female eevee and a male ditto. I platinum you follow the same things only the pair has to like each other.
It can evolve Pokemon. Here is a list of what it can evolve: Misdreavus---> Mismagius Murkrow---> Honchkrow If your going to get Pokemon diamond/pearl,please beware of the type of Pokemon you can find.For Example,Murkrow can only be found in Diamond,not Pearl or Glamow can be found on Pearl but not on Diamond,But what i mean is there's only 2 Pokemon (In Diamond/Pearl) that can be found on each game. Here's the list: Murkrow---> Honchkrow (Diamond) Stunky---> Stunktank (Diamond) Misdreavus---> Mismagius (Pearl) Glamow---> Purugly (Pearl)..... But 1 other thing,only 1 Pokemon (In each game) can be used with dusk stone,so pick WISELY....