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you cannot get Drifloon in heartgold nor soulsilver the best chance of you getting one is in a trade

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Q: Where is drifloon on Pokemon SoulSilver?
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How do you get drifloon in soulsilver?

The only way to get Drifloon in Soulsilver is to trade one over from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. To obtain Drifloon in one of those games you have to clear out Valley Windworks then come back on a Friday and Drifloon will be waiting outside.

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Where is drifloon in Pokemon pearl?

All day on Friday, Drifloon is at the Valley Windworks.

How do you walck with your Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't in this game, it's only allowed in Pokemon Yellow, and Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver. If you mean walking in the park in Hearthome City, you need a cute Pokemon like Happiny, Drifloon, Pikachu, or Clefairy. There are more, but I don't remember.

Were to find drifloon on Pokemon Pearl?

you have to go to vally windworks on a Friday and drifloon will be standing there

Which trainer has drifloon in Pokemon Pearl?

There actually isnt a trainer in pokemon pearl that has drifloon, but you can catch them every friday in front of the valley windworks, just go up to the drifloon and press a. he is at level15

In Pokemon pearl what is the Pokemon numbered 65 in the pokedex?

it is a drifloon

Pokemon 65 diamond?

Pokemon 65 in Diamond is Drifloon.

What is a drifloon?

a drifloon is a balloon Pokemon that can only be caught on fridays.It evolves in to Drifblim level 28.

Where do you get driftblim on Pokemon pearl?

Get drifloon and evolve it!

Who evolves into drifblim in Pokemon diamond?
