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after you defeat everyone legendary pokemon appear in the wild.I found darkrown in a tunnel map the first one.

by namansingh

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Q: Where is darkrown in Pokemon Vortex?
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Related questions

How does Darkrown come?

Darkrown is a fake Pokemon but if you play POKEMON Vortex you can catch it

Is darkrown legendary?

There is no such Pokemon as darkrown. If you mean Darkrai, then the answer is yes he is. I consider him to be a legendary pokemon. Please, get the names right. Darkrown is a Fakemon in the online game, Pokemon Vortex.

Who is darkrown?

Darkrais evolution. team fusion had captured darkrai and forced him to evolve and made him much stronger ( like mewtwo). he is not in the pokedex because he is not a real pokemon but you can catch him in pokemon vortex

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What is better darkrown or darkai?

First off all Darkrown is not a Pokemon but you can catch one in you might get suspended page but anyway both of them are good because darkrown has a body that looks like a cape but darkai can just give Darkrown a Nightmare.(you can get a night mare too)

How do you get darkrown?

DARKROWN is a fake lengend.

What are the fake Pokemon in Pokemonvortexcom?

They are Darkrown Caterpie (Christmas form) Mewtwo (Armored) PS if you got any give it to me my User name is Poke master87

When do you know when to evolve your Pokemon in Pokemon Vortex?

When he/she has good moves. Then evole into vortex

What is an account in Pokemon vortex?

Pokemon Vortex is an online Pokemon game which is not affiliated with Game Freak, Pokemon, or Nintendo.

Where is do you get the lustrous and adament orb on Pokemon vortex?

Answer TBA Soon... Pokemon Vortex Help

How do you remove Pokemon from your team on Pokemon vortex?

Well i have never heard or played Pokemon vortex what about depositting the Pokemon in a PC and realsing them

Where can you find a feebas in pokemon vortex?

you will find feebas in the water of grass maps in pokemon vortex