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cliff cave is right next to cianwood city through the cave

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Q: Where is cliff cave in soul silver?
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Where is misdreavus in soul silver?

Misdreavus can be found in Mt. Silver or Cliff Cave.

How do you catch steelix on soul silver?

You can find a Steelix in Route 47, Cliff Cave, Mt. Silver, or you can trade any Pokemon with Jasmine.

Where can you find a wild machop in soul silver?

Cliff Cave, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Mortar, or you can trade it from a man in the department store for a Drowzee.

What route can you find a machop in Pokemon soul silver?

Machops can be caught in Mt. Mortar, Cliff Cave, Rock Tunnel, and the Safari Zone.

How do you find frosslass in Pokemon soul silver?

Use Rock Smash on rocks in the Alpha ruins zone & in the Cliff Cave located on Route 47.

You can get the root fossil in heart gold virsion game?

No you can't. You can only get it in Soul Silver. Instead you find a Claw fossil in the place where you would find the root fossil- Cliff Cave. You cannot find a Claw fossil in Soul Silver.

Where do you find Maukita in Soul Silver?

Makuhita can be found at:Slowpoke Well, Union Cave, Mt. Mortar,Dark Cave, Whirl Islands, Mt. Silver, Ice Path,The Cliff Cave, Diglett's Cave, Mt. Moon,Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands,Victory Road, and Tohjo Falls

How do you get Mistresses in Pokemon Soul Silver?

um... do you mean mismagius? if so, find a misdreavus in cliff cave at night time only, i think, they evolve by dusk stone .

Where is the rock cave in soul silver?

You tell me

Where is meotwo in soul silver?

Cerulean Cave

How do you get Mewtwo on pokemon soul silver?

it is in cerulean cave

What Pokemon is in cerulean cave on soul silver?
