first you go to the cold storage ( south of drifvile city) and battle team plasma then clay will be at the gym in the north east
using a powerful water and grass type
After you beat gym leader clay he will ask you to meet him there and will destroy the spider web
You have to beat the Gym Leader, Clay. He will ask you to meet him at the entrance to Chargestone Cave, and it will be destroyed automatically.
how to beat clay in Pokemon black version first you need to go to the cold storage and then go all around until you find a way into a box and team plasma will be inside. and then get out of the cold storage then just go around and look for Pokemon you don't have and get them, the 2 minutes later go back to the cold storarge wher team plasma was, and then the police will arrive, and then half of team plasma will get arrested. and then they will go to the cities gym, and the clay will go inside and noone will be blocking the door, and then you may be able to get inside,, and then..... you're on your own.
There is no Contest Hall in Pokemon Black because Pokemon Black does not have Pokemon Contests. Instead of Pokemon Contests, Pokemon Black has Pokemon Musicals. Pokemon Musicals are held in the Pokemon Musical Building in Nimbasa City.
Driftveil City
My guess is about 40.
its clay as a gym
beat him get the quake badge
Driftveil City. Gym Leader Clay!
using a powerful water and grass type
In Pokémon Black, Clay will not accept your challenge until you've dealt with Team Plasma, they can be found in the Cold Storage which is to the South of the City.
Clay is at the Driftveil City Pokemon Gym.
You need to Team Plasma out of the Cold Storage in Driftveil before Clay will face you.
To defeat Clay you must use water type Pokemon, cause he uses ground type.
Clay uses Ground-type Pokemon, so his Pokemon are weak to: Grass, Water, and Ice