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After you get the National Pokedex, Insert FireRed or leaf green Cartridge (for GBA) into your DS and go to route 204, (on Jubilife City side). Or get it from a trade.

Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: it may take time coz on my diamond game it took me 3 days to find one so good luck!

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Q: Where is caterpie on Pokemon Diamond?
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How do you capture Caterpie in Pokemon diamond?

You have to transfer caterpie from a GBA game with pal park.

What level does Caterpie evolve in Pokemon Yellow?

Caterpie can evolve into metapod starting at level 7. The evolution conditions for caterpie are not different in Pokemon Yellow from other pokemon games.

What evolves from Caterpie in Pokemon tower defence?

Caterpie evolves into Metapod

Where can you find a Caterpie in diamond?

at rt. 204 but caterpie is rare so it will take a week or a while

What type is the Pokemon Caterpie?


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Who is Caterpie?

Caterpie is a green Bug-type caterpillar that can only learn Tackle and String Shot. It evolves into Metapod then into Butterfree, one of Ash Ketchum's earliest Pokemon in the TV series. Caterpie is rivals with Weedle.

What Pokemon will you find if you dongle with FireRed?

Using the FireRed Dongle method, in Diamond and Pearl you will find Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe, Elekid and Gengar and in Platinum you'll find Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe and Gengar.

What is the national pokedex number for Caterpie?

Caterpie is #10 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug type Pokemon.

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Can you get catterpi in Pokemon Diamond?

In order to get caterpie, you need the national pokedex, which is gotten when you see all the Pokemon in the Sinnoh pokedex. Then you need to play with FieRed inserted in the DS, and it will be found on route 204.