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you sometimes see him at the place where you see the gymleaders.

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Q: Where is buck after you catch heatran in Pokemon playinum?
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In Pokemon pearl where do you find buck after you catch heatran?

you can find buck at the survival area in the house next to the Pokemon center hopes the helps

How do you catch heatran on Pokemon dimond?

to find heatran you team up with buck on stark moutain find buck the exit go out of stark moutain go back in go to the top of stark moutain there you find heatran

Can you catch heatran in pokemon platinum?

Yes, Heatran can be found in Mt Stark (You need to have gone through once with Buck already), he will place the Magma stone back, Heatran will return.

Where is Buck after you help him in Pokemon Diamond?

buck is in his house with i thimk is his grandfather or something but talk to to him and he will leave and go return the treasure and heatran stans........CATCH HIM.

How do you catch hetran in Pokemon Pearl?

help buck get to the magma stone then go to the house next to the Pokemon center in the survival area then talk to buck then go to where the magma stone was and heatran will be there

Where is buck after you vs heatran in Pokemon diamond?

] ==

How do you get a heatran in pokemon platium?

In Stark Mountain, after you go through with Buck, Heatran will be waiting.

My Pokemon game is getting boring what do you do next after buck puts the magma stone back?

go back to the room where he got it from and catch the legendary Pokemon heatran

Where is buck after you get heatran in pokemon diamond?

He should be in his house.

In Pokemon pearl you can not find buck you have heatran and you still can not find buck where is he?

Battle Tower.

What do you need to to get heatran in Pokemon Platinum?

You can catch Heatran in stark mountain. You end up defeating team galactic and you lead buck to the magma stone. Heatran will appear after you speak with buck in the back of stark mountain. I think your thinking of Diamond or Pearl, I tried it in Platinum. Doesn't work.

Where is buck after you catch heatran?

He is in one of those houses in the resort area