Go to Cerulean city, then go north up the path, then turn right and battle the six trainers and keep going right and then WALLA! You are there!
capture a staryu then show it to bills grandpa.
near the cape
Bill's Grandpa can be found in Bill's Sea Cottage in the Kanto region that's on Route 25 which is north of Cerulean City in HeartGold.
wheres bills grandpa in crystal
Haha, oh wow.
u have to give a vulpix to bills grandpa in cerulean city.
capture a staryu then show it to bills grandpa.
If you mean Bill's grandpa or dad he's at the Cerulean Cape. Bill is in Goldenrod.
hes in a house were you find misty the gym leader for the first time.
near the cape
Bill's Grandpa can be found in Bill's Sea Cottage in the Kanto region that's on Route 25 which is north of Cerulean City in HeartGold.
wheres bills grandpa in crystal
in misty's city in kanto, there is a house all the way to the top right where bills grandma or grandpa is. show him specific Pokemon and he will give you stones, lickitung: everstone etc.
somdays check the prize exchange at the pokethonal dome or bills grandpa in kanto
Haha, oh wow.
Show Bill's grandpa a Pichu, and he'll give it to you.
it is in goldrod city