His ACTUAL house: On the cerulean cape, but his grandfather's there I think. He wants a likitung or somethin...
His FAMILIES house where HE is: In Goldenrod. Go to the pokecenter then to the little spot above/next to it. A house there is where he is. He'll give you an evee YAY!
In ecutreak city Pokemon center
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Bills house is northeast of misty's gym, in cerulean city. Go north from the gym across a gold bridge and then go east. You will have to battle six people and then there will be a house. Inside the house an old man will ask to see a pokemon. This is bill's house. In heart gold and soul silver, misty will be to the right, up some stairs. This is also the final location of suicine.
in bills house on route 25
Haha, oh wow.
In the tree house route on the poke walker
you can get get a water stone from bills granpa and i think in mt.silver and that's as far as i know