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Amphros is evolved from mareep. Which is a sheep Pokemon found near rt 32

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Q: Where is amphros in Pokemon silver?
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I have all the necessary HMS and have spoken to jasmine but i can't get onto route 40 on Pokemon soul silver what do i need to do?

Go to cinnawood and beat chuck and get the potion for her Amphros

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you have to breed through a Pokemon that actually can learn it. machop,electibuzz,amphros,and anything along those lines.

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Lugia, Gengar, Meganium, Gyrados, Golem, Flareon.

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you can get celebi from a Pokemon silver event

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its the silver apercorn in Pokemon silver and its the gold apercorn in Pokemon gold

What level does maripe evolve on?

maripe eloves at lv 15 into flaffy and 30 into amphros

What level does amphros learn zap cannon?

Ampharos cannot learn Zap Cannon.

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You can't find Mew in Pokemon Silver.

In Pokemon Silver where is vynasaur?

there isn't venasaur in Pokemon silver you have to trade it