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Infernape does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen. Infernape didn't exist until Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, which was released after LeafGreen.

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Q: Where is a Infernape in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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What starter Pokemon in leafgreen has the most attack?

Torterra 348 atack :) Infernape 337 atack :p Empoleon 298 :o

What type of Pokemon is infernape?

Infernape is a Fire and Fighting type pokemon.

What Pokemon can fall in love with Infernape on Pokemon platinum?

Any Pokemon can if it is the opposite gender than your Infernape.

Who is a better Pokemon infernape or gachomp?

im guessing infernape cause infernape is a starter

When does infernape evolve into shiny infernape?

If your Infernape is not shiny to begin with, it will not evolve into a shiny Pokemon.

Were can you find Infernape in emerald?

You cannot find an infernape in Pokemon emerald for that Pokemon you need Pokemon platinum, pearl or diamond.

Can you trade Pokemon LeafGreen with Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.

Where can you face a infernape in Pokemon Diamond?

if you choose the grass starter then your rival will have an infernape or when you go to the Pokemon league , the 3rd elite four is a fire type user . he will have an infernape.

Where do you get infernape in Pokemon HeartGold?

The only way to getting infernape is by link trade

How do you get a elactabuzz in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Not in Pokemon leafgreen only in Pokemon Firered never ever in Pokemon leafgreen And in Pokemon firered it is rare in power plant not available in Pokemon leafgreen?

How do you get a infernape Pokemon Battle Revolution?

Copy your team with infernape in it from Diamond Pearl or Platinum

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