its not in the johto or kanto region. bring arceus to the unknown ruins. then a guy will alow you to go to the ruins where u get a LV1 giratina dialga or palkia with repective orbs
Steven will never appear in the Ruins of Alph.
by rock smashing rocks at ruins of alph
after getting all the unowns at Ruins of Alph when you go in the Ruins of Alph a celebi comes
You can get natu at the ruins of alph in heart gold and soul silver
Have Arceus as the main Pokemon in your party, and then go to the Ruins of Alph and head towards the Research Lab, where a researcher will bump into you, and lead you there.
Diagla can be found in the Shinto Ruins.
well is´NT exactly a region, the Shinto ruins are localized in Sinnoh, and for unlock it you need to show an event Arceus to the old man inside the house of the Ruins of Alph, then the guy will lead you inseide the unown ruins and you will be transported to the Shinto Ruins.
In the Sinjoh ruins of alph?
Steven will never appear in the Ruins of Alph.
You can find some fossil at the RUINS OF ALPHA.
Right Next To Violet City.
take arceus to the unown ruins
somehow get arces then go to the ruins of alph and go into the lab
Shinto Ruins
It is in one of the chambers in the ruins of alph
you must go to the alpha ruins
You can't. You need to trade for one.