If you mean 65 in the Sinnoh Dex it is Drifloon, it hangs around outside the Valley Windworks every Friday.
If you mean 65 in the National Dex it it Alakazam. you must trade a Kadabra to make it evolve.
the 65 Pokemon is Driftloon
Tm 65 shadow claw is only available in Pokemon diamond/pearl ad patinum
Number 65 Pokemon in D/P is Drifloon. Most people ask this because no trainer has Drifloon. You can find one standing outside of Valley Windworks every Friday.
It is in wechwood forest and it's a lucky pokemon. What u on about? its at valley windoworks and its drifloon. only on fridays(day)
the 65 Pokemon is Driftloon
it is a drifloon
Hearthome Gym
valley windworks on Friday
Drifloon is, you can catch it in the grass outside Valley Windworks.
65-Drifloon 135-Lumineon 146-uxie 147-Mesprit
The Pokemon that's numbered 65 is Driflooon who can find outside of the Valley Windworks buildings on Fridays additionally one of the trainers in the Hearthome City Gym will have one.
It's Alakazam in the national pokedex and Drifloon in the first pokedex you get.
Tm 65 shadow claw is only available in Pokemon diamond/pearl ad patinum
drifloon. u can get him by checking the valley works from fridays to saturdays at Lv. 22