In Pokemon Yellow, Moltres can be found on Victory Road.
Going towards Indigo Plateau or the Pokemon League, near the exit of Victory Road (you have to have all the badges to get there), you will find Moltres.
you can only catch in the victory road.
Moltres can't be found in Crystal. If you want it in Crystal, you'll have to use the Time Capsule or you could get it from an event in the past. You can find Moltres at Victory Road in Red/Blue/Yellow.
Unfortunately, they have to be traded form Red, Blue, or Yellow (or, perhaps, Green).
Moltres is not in ruby only firered, leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get moltres.
You can't get Moltres in Pokemon Crystal, Only in Pokemon Leafgreen and Pokemon Firered. Including Pokemon Platinum.
Victory Road.
mewtwo,moltres,zapdos,articuno and mew
Mewtwo, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mew.
you can only catch in the victory road.
You cannot find Moltres in Pokemon Silver. You can use the Time Capsule and use Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow with Moltres in it and trade it over. In Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver: Moltres in in Mt. Sliver after you have obtained all 16 badges. You need surf, waterfall and rock climb to get to it.
4 Mewtwo Zapdos Articuno Moltres Mew - Event only
Of course, there are Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno and Mewtwo.
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, and Mew (but Mew is a secret)
In Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red, and Leaf Green Moltres is in Victory Road. In Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Heart Gold and Soul Silver Moltres is in Mount Silver.
Moltres is a legendary fire bird on Pokemon
Moltres can't be found in Crystal. If you want it in Crystal, you'll have to use the Time Capsule or you could get it from an event in the past. You can find Moltres at Victory Road in Red/Blue/Yellow.
Unfortunately, they have to be traded form Red, Blue, or Yellow (or, perhaps, Green).