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Kurt is in Azalea Town, in the house in the top left corner with the apricorn tree behind it.

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Q: Where is Kurt in Pokemon Gold?
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Does Kurt use apricots poke ball?

Kurt makes pokeballs from like acorns i think. hope this was helpful. - Friend Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Green Apricorn. Makes Pokemon caught more friendly. - Level Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Red Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of a lower level. - Love Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Pink Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of the opposite gender to the lead Pokemon better. - Moon Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Yellow Apricorn. Catches Pokemon better at night. - Lure Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Blue Apricorn. Catches Water-type Pokemon more easily. - Heavy Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Black Apricorn. Catches heavy Pokemon better. - Fast Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a White Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of a higher speed or Pokemon most likely to flee.

Can Kurt make master balls on Pokemon Heart Gold?

unfortuanatlly not

Where can you buy heavyballs from in Pokemon Gold?

you can only get it from Kurt the pokeball creator, if you give him black apricorns

Can Kurt make a master ball in Pokemon Heart Gold?

Kurt can not mak a master ball unless you hav an action replay code to make him make master balls

How do you get a love ball in HeartGold and SoulSilver?

in Pokemon heart gold and soul silver all you need to do is get a pnk apricorn then go to azealea town and talk to Kurt and give Kurt an apricorn

Where can you get apricorns in Pokemon Gold?

Random berry trees around the place, for instance outside Kurt's house and just south of Ecruteak.

How do you catch pickachu in Pokemon Gold?

I can not clearly remember, but I believe if their is a pikachu in the verison Pokemon gold, you can. :] I think on Route 2, but they were rare and at an extremely low level. You might want to use a low level Pokemon, False swipe move, or a level ball made from Kurt.

Where is Kurt in Pokemon HeartGold?

Kurt is in a house in Azeala Town. It's Just above the pokemon Gym in Azeala Town. Hope it helped.

Is Kurt angle his real name?

Kurt Steven Angle is the real name of 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle.

Where is Kurt in Pokemon Soul Silver?

Kurt is in Azalea Town in Pokémon SoulSilver.

What city does Kurt the apricon person live in Pokemon soulsilver?

Kurt lives in azalea town

How many gold medals has Kurt Browning won?

8 gold medals