Kurt is in a house in Azeala Town. It's Just above the pokemon Gym in Azeala Town. Hope it helped.
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Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold:Pokemon not Caught in SoulSilver:Spinarak.Ariados.Growlithe.Arcanine.Mankey.Primeape.Gligar.Phanpy.Donphan.Mantine.Sableye.Baltoy.Claydol.Kyogre.Mantyke.Gliscor.glaceonleafeonPokemon not Caught in HeartGold:Ledyba.Ledian.Vulpix.Ninetales.Meowth.Persian.Delibird.Teddiursa.Ursaring.Skarmory.Mawile.Gulpin.Swalot.Groundon.-Lil Kurt Cobain "Hope it Helps"
black apricorns you need to exchange it with Kurt in azeala town in Pokemon soulsilver and heartgold
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
You "trade" apricorns with Kurt of Azalea Town. I believe that you trade white ones for Quick Balls. -GlamGlaceon
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.